prison house Archives - Radhanath Swami Lecture Transcripts

93-026 'A Prison House Without Walls (SB 10.25.3-5)' by HH Radhanath Swami

aho çré-mada-mähätmyaà gopänäà känanaukasäm kåñëaà martyam upäçritya ye cakrur deva-helanam (SB 10.25.3) Translation : [Indra said:] Just see how these cowherd men living in the forest have become so greatly intoxicated by their prosperity! They have surrendered to an ordinary human being, Kåñëa, and thus they have offended the gods. Purport : Of course, Indra… Continue reading 93-026 'A Prison House Without Walls (SB 10.25.3-5)' by HH Radhanath Swami