
91-010 'Age Of Quarrel And Hypocrisy (SB 9.4.21)' by HH Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

“evam sada karma-kalapam atmanah Pare ‘dhiyajne bhagavaty adhoksaje Sarvatma-bhavam vidadhan mahim imam Tan-nistha-vipabhihitah sasasa ha” (SB 9.4.21)   Translation In performing his prescribed duties as king, Maharaja Ambarisa always offered the results of his royal activities to the Supreme Personality…

91-049 'Advent Of Kaliyuga (SB 9.10.51)' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

Kaliyuga – the Sinful age The universal cycle is divided into Satyayuga – the golden age of religiosity and austerity, Treta yuga- where ¾ of the population remain God conscious, Dvapar yuga in which in the beginning 43 gradually dwindles…