Radhanath Swami: My sincerest gratitude to all of you for so kindly taking your very precious time to be with us, today. I was given the subject to subject to speak “In search of a Lost Love”. The most incredible discovery of my life was the simple truth that all our desires with the complex… Continue reading Radhanath Swami on "In Search of Lost Love"
Tag: sanatan goswami
Radhanath Swami on Spiritual Chastisement
The Lord at once took the position of a teacher and chastised the student, calling him indirectly a fool. The Lord said, “You are talking like a learned man but you do not know that one who is learned—one, who knows what is body and what is soul—does not lament for any stage of the body neither in the living nor in the dead condition.” As it will be explained in later chapters, it will be clear that knowledge means to know matter and spirit and the controller of both.