karma-nirhäram uddiçya parasmin vä tad-arpaëam yajed yañöavyam iti vä påthag-bhävaù sa sättvikaù Synonyms karma—fruitive activities; nirhäram—freeing himself from; uddiçya—with the purpose of; parasmin—to the Supreme Personality of Godhead; vä—or; tat-arpaëam—offering the result of activities; yajet—may worship; yañöavyam—to be worshiped; iti—thus; vä—or; påthak-bhävaù—separatist; saù—he; sättvikaù—in the mode of goodness. Translation When a devotee worships… Continue reading 94-001 'Unalloyed Devotional Service (SB 3.29.10)' by HH Radhanath Swami, in Mayapur