namaù çäntäya ghoräya müòhäya guëa-dharmiëe nirviçeñäya sämyäya namo jïäna-ghanäya ca (Srimad Bhagvatam_8.3.12) SYNONYMS namaù—all obeisances; çäntäya—unto Him who is above all material qualities and completely peaceful, or unto Väsudeva, the Supersoul in every living entity; ghoräya—unto the fierce forms of the Lord like Jämadagnya and Nåsiàhadeva; müòhäya—the form of the Lord as an animal, such… Continue reading 09-040 'Faith Is The Substance Of Bhakti (SB-08.03.12)' By Radhanath Swami
Tag: service
09-030 'Becoming Dear To Devotees' By Radhanath Swami
I welcome everyone to RadhaGopinath Temple, especially my dear God brother Mahaduti Prabhu, very senior disciple of His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada, who has for over thirty years, given his life and soul to serve the Vaishnavas and spread this great mission. He was President of the temple in Downtown, London for many years. He… Continue reading 09-030 'Becoming Dear To Devotees' By Radhanath Swami
90-096 'Aspiring For Nothing But Service (BG 10.1)'by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
BG.10.1 Sri Bhagvan uvaca Bhuya eva maha baho Srnu me paramam vacah Yat tea ham priyamanaya Vaksyami hita kamyaya Translation The Supreme Personality of Godhead Said: listen again, o mighty armed arjuna. Because you are my dear friend, for your benefit I shall speak to you further, giving knowledge that is better than what… Continue reading 90-096 'Aspiring For Nothing But Service (BG 10.1)'by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
90-072 'Humiliation (SB 08.07.12)' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
SB 8.7.12 upary agendraà giri-räò ivänya äkramya hastena sahasra-bähuù tasthau divi brahma-bhavendra-mukhyair abhiñöuvadbhiù sumano-‘bhivåñöaù SYNONYMS upari—on the top of; agendram—the big mountain; giri-räö—the king of mountains; iva—like; anyaù—another; äkramya—catching; hastena—by one hand; sahasra-bähuù—exhibiting thousands of hands; tasthau—situated; divi—in the sky; brahma—Lord Brahmä; bhava—Lord Çiva; indra—the King of heaven; mukhyaiù—headed by; abhiñöuvadbhiù—offered prayers to the… Continue reading 90-072 'Humiliation (SB 08.07.12)' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
90-058 'Irrespective Of Desire Engage In Krsna's Service (SB 08.05.48)' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
Om Namoh Bhagvate Vasudevaya ‘navamah marma kalpo ‘api viphalayesvararpitah kalpate purusasyaiva sa hy atma dayito hitah’ Activities dedicated to the Supreme Personality of Godhead , even if performed in small measure, never go in vain, the Supreme Personality of Godhead being the Supreme father is naturally very dear and always ready to act for the… Continue reading 90-058 'Irrespective Of Desire Engage In Krsna's Service (SB 08.05.48)' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai