SB 8.6.14 sa tvaà vidhatsväkhila-loka-pälä vayaà yad arthäs tava päda-mülam samägatäs te bahir-antar-ätman kià vänya-vijïäpyam açeña-säkñiëaù SYNONYMS saù—that; tvam—Your Lordship; vidhatsva—kindly do the needful; akhila-loka-päläù—the demigods, directors of different departments of this universe; vayam—all of us; yat—that which; arthäù—purpose; tava—at Your Lordship’s; päda-mülam—lotus feet; samägatäù—we have arrived; te—unto You; bahiù-antaù-ätman—O Supersoul of everyone, O constant… Continue reading 09-051 'Krishna Hears Intent Of Our Prayers' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
Tag: srimad bhagavatam
09-050 'Serving The Lord Without Demanding' By Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
SB 8.6.13 taà tväà vayaà nätha samujjihänaà saroja-näbhäticirepsitärtham dåñövä gatä nirvåtam adya sarve gajä davärtä iva gäìgam ambhaù SYNONYMS tam—O Lord; tväm—Your Lordship; vayam—all of us; nätha—O master; samujjihänam—now appearing before us with all glories; saroja-näbha—O Lord, whose navel resembles a lotus flower, or from whose navel grows a lotus flower; ati-cira—for an extremely long… Continue reading 09-050 'Serving The Lord Without Demanding' By Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
09-045 'Accept Reversals Gratefully Without Getting Disturbed (SB 8.4.2-4)' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
SB 8.4.2 nedur dundubhayo divyä gandharvä nanåtur jaguù åñayaç cäraëäù siddhäs tuñöuvuù puruñottamam SYNONYMS neduù—vibrated; dundubhayaù—kettledrums; divyäù—in the sky of the higher planetary system; gandharväù—residents of Gandharvaloka; nanåtuù—danced; jaguù—and sang; åñayaù—all the saintly sages; cäraëäù—the inhabitants of the Cäraëa planet; siddhäù—the inhabitants of the Siddha planet; tuñöuvuù—offered prayers; puruña-uttamam—to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Puruñottama,… Continue reading 09-045 'Accept Reversals Gratefully Without Getting Disturbed (SB 8.4.2-4)' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
09-038 'Forgetting Krishna The Greatest Crisis (SB 8.3.6)' By Radhanath Swami
na yasya devä åñayaù padaà vidur jantuù punaù ko ‘rhati gantum éritum yathä naöasyäkåtibhir viceñöato duratyayänukramaëaù sa mävatu SYNONYMS na—neither; yasya—He of whom; deväù—the demigods; åñayaù—great sages; padam—position; viduù—can understand; jantuù—unintelligent living beings like animals; punaù—again; kaù—who; arhati—is able; gantum—to enter into the knowledge; éritum—or to express by words; yathä—as; naöasya—of the artist; äkåtibhiù—by bodily… Continue reading 09-038 'Forgetting Krishna The Greatest Crisis (SB 8.3.6)' By Radhanath Swami
09-037 'Maya Won't Let Go Untill We Surrender (SB 8.3.5)' by Radhanath Swami
TEXT 8.3.5 kälena païcatvam iteñu kåtsnaço lokeñu päleñu ca sarva-hetuñu tamas tadäséd gahanaà gabhéraà yas tasya päre ‘bhiviräjate vibhuù SYNONYMS kälena—in due course of time (after millions and millions of years); païcatvam—when everything illusory is annihilated; iteñu—all transformations; kåtsnaçaù—with everything within this cosmic manifestation; lokeñu—all the planets, or everything that exists; päleñu—maintainers like Lord Brahmä;… Continue reading 09-037 'Maya Won't Let Go Untill We Surrender (SB 8.3.5)' by Radhanath Swami
09-004 'Misery Is For Everyone (SB 7.10.52 – 7.10.59)' By Radhanath Swami
taiù spåñöä vyasavaù sarve nipetuù sma puraukasaù tän änéya mahä-yogé mayaù küpa-rase ‘kñipat TRANSLATION Mahäräja Yudhiñöhira said: For what reason did the demon Maya Dänava vanquish Lord Çiva’s reputation? How did Lord Krishna save Lord Çiva and expand his reputation again? Kindly describe these incidents. Närada Muni said: When the demigods, who are always powerful… Continue reading 09-004 'Misery Is For Everyone (SB 7.10.52 – 7.10.59)' By Radhanath Swami
09-031 'Fulfilling The Reason For Krishna's Appearance' by Radhanath Swami
SB 10.3.27 martyo måtyu-vyäla-bhétaù paläyan lokän sarvän nirbhayaà nädhyagacchat tvat pädäbjaà präpya yadåcchayädya susthaù çete måtyur asmäd apaiti SYNONYMS martyaù—the living entities who are sure to die; måtyu-vyäla-bhétaù—afraid of the serpent of death; paläyan—running (as soon as a serpent is seen, everyone runs away, fearing immediate death); lokän—to the different planets; sarvän—all; nirbhayam—fearlessness; na adhyagacchat—do… Continue reading 09-031 'Fulfilling The Reason For Krishna's Appearance' by Radhanath Swami
09-029 'Become Hungry For Krishna (SB 8.01.20-29)' By Radhanath Swami
SB 8.1.20 tatrendro rocanas tv äséd deväç ca tuñitädayaù ürja-stambhädayaù sapta åñayo brahma-vädinaù During the reign of Svärociña, the post of Indra was assumed by Rocana, the son of Yajïa. Tuñita and others became the principal demigods, and Ürja, Stambha and others became the seven saints. All of them were faithful devotees of the Lord.… Continue reading 09-029 'Become Hungry For Krishna (SB 8.01.20-29)' By Radhanath Swami