“na hy asya karhicid räjan pumän veda vidhitsitam yad vijijïäsayä yuktä muhyanti kavayo ‘pi hi” Srimad Bhagavatam 1.9.16 SYNONYMS na—never; hi—certainly; asya—His; karhicit—whatsoever; räjan—O King; pumän—anyone; veda—knows; vidhitsitam—plan; yat—which; vijijïäsayä—with exhaustive inquiries; yuktäù—being engaged; muhyanti—bewildered; kavayaù—great philosophers; api—even; hi—certainly. TRANSLATION O King, no one can know the plan of the Lord [Çré Kåñëa].… Continue reading 90-011 'Why Bhisma Fought Against Pandavas (SB 1.9.16)' by Radhanath Swami, in Pune
Tag: srimad bhagavatam
90-006 'Spiritual Progress (SB-7.13.45)' By Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
“svätma-våttaà mayetthaà te suguptam api varëitam vyapetaà loka-çästräbhyäà bhavän hi bhagavat-paraù” A learned powerful person must realize that the material existence is illusion. This is only possible by self realization. A self realized person, who has actually seen the truth, should retire from all material activities, being situated in self realization. Prahläda Mahäräja, you… Continue reading 90-006 'Spiritual Progress (SB-7.13.45)' By Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
90-003 'Dont Be Like A Bumble Bee (SB 7.13.35-36)' by Radhanath Swami' in Mumbai
TEXT 35 madhukära-mahä-sarpau loke ‘smin no gurüttamau vairägyaà paritoñaà ca präptä yac-chikñayä vayam TRANSLATION The bee and the python are two excellent spiritual masters who give us exemplary instructions regarding how to be satisfied by collecting only a little and how to stay in one place and not move. TEXT virägaù sarva-kämebhyaù çikñito me madhu-vratät… Continue reading 90-003 'Dont Be Like A Bumble Bee (SB 7.13.35-36)' by Radhanath Swami' in Mumbai