Radhanath Swami speaks – It is explained by Kaviraj Goswami and the previous acharyas that Krsna has three primary energies. His internal energy, which is his spiritual energy. His external energy or material energy and the marginal energy which is the part and parcels spirit souls that are eternally sub-ordinate to one of these two energies as tatatha shakti. The living entity must be a servant under the subjugation of either the internal energy or the external energy.
Tag: srimati radharani
04-08 – 'Srimati Radharani-The Mother of Compassion' by Radhanath Swami
Cleaning our heart is not an easy task When Shri Caitanya Mahaprabhu roamed to the twelve forest of Vrindavan, he not only experienced the supreme happiness of coming to his eternal home. But he also envisioned Vrindavan Dham opening his doors for the whole world to come, back home back to Godhead. Sometimes we think… Continue reading 04-08 – 'Srimati Radharani-The Mother of Compassion' by Radhanath Swami
01-13 – 'Approaching Krsna through Shrimati Radharani' Lecture by Radhanath Swami at Raval
Making deity worship universal Raghunath Das Goswami writes in one of his very worshipable literatures that he bows his head millions of times the holy place where the supreme worshipable personality of our Gaudiya vaishnavas sampraday, Shrimati Radharani appeared within this world. Today we are very fortunate, our great acharyas established how to worship… Continue reading 01-13 – 'Approaching Krsna through Shrimati Radharani' Lecture by Radhanath Swami at Raval
09-036 'Glories Of Srimati Radharani' – Radhastami Lecture By Radhanath Swami
Radhastami, a day to meditate on the deepest mystery It gives me great pleasure to welcome all of you to be with us in Sri Sri Radha Gopinath Temple to celebrate Radhastami. A day in which we meditate upon the deepest mystery buried within the vast treasure of the Vedic scriptures. According to a particular… Continue reading 09-036 'Glories Of Srimati Radharani' – Radhastami Lecture By Radhanath Swami
90-075 'Perfect Love' Lecture by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
“rädhe jaya jaya mädhava-dayite gokula-taruëé-maëòala-mahite” SVA.4 This is a beautiful prayer which is an offering of love by Srila Rupa Goswami. Srila Rupa Goswami is the proper authority by which we can understand in truth to divinity of the pastimes of Sri Sri Radha and Krishna. This is a very high and deep subject… Continue reading 90-075 'Perfect Love' Lecture by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai