sripad ramanujacharya Archives - Radhanath Swami Lecture Transcripts

Story of Ramanujacarya

Kantimati gave birth to a beautiful and auspicious child, it was in the year 1017 of the Christian era. Just at that same time her sister Diptimati also gave birth to a baby child. After few days the 2 sisters came together also bringing their children together and they were both just merged in great happiness. When this news came to Sri Rangam to Sailapurna, he decided to come to give the blessings of his Gurudeva to these 2 nephews of him.

Vaishnavism and Sannyas By Radhanath Swami

Lord Caitanya remained a householder only until His twenty-fourth year had passed. Then He entered the renounced order and remained manifest in this material world until His forty-eighth year. Therefore śeṣa-līlā, or the final portion of His activities, lasted twenty-four years. Some so-called Vaiṣṇavas say that the renounced order of life is not accepted in the Vaiṣṇava sampradāya, or disciplic succession, until Lord Caitanya. This is not a very intelligent proposition.