Material enjoyment! Simply a waste of time. dehädibhir daiva-tantrair ätmanaù sukham éhataù duùkhätyayaà cänéçasya kriyä moghäù kåtäù kåtäù Translation: The living entity tries to achieve happiness and rid himself of the causes of distress, but because the various bodies of the living entities are under the full control of material nature, all his plans… Continue reading 09-027 'Baffled In Casino of Maya – (SB 7.13.30)' By Radhanath Swami
Tag: transcription
09-025 'Power of Blessings' By Radhanath Swami, Shyamasundar Prabhu and Mahamaya Mataji
We have to understand, what really blessing is! Prabhu was also the first ISKCON president in Bombay, Haribol. He started the first temple here in Bombay. Hare Krishna, I feel this evening very blessed to be amongst you to speak on the subject of the power of blessings. We are very sorry we are late… Continue reading 09-025 'Power of Blessings' By Radhanath Swami, Shyamasundar Prabhu and Mahamaya Mataji
09-007 'Krishna accepts flowers' by Radhanath Swami
Are these Deities from all of your houses, please raise your hands if your deities are here. Are these all garland makers? Please raise your hands if you are garland maker. When we began this temple we had Deities this big and they did not get garlands. Gradually Radha Gopinath and other forms of the… Continue reading 09-007 'Krishna accepts flowers' by Radhanath Swami
09-016 'Unity by Focusing on Essence' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
Spiritual life is full of humor and happiness I thank you very much for being with us this evening. Srila Vrindavan das Thakur writes that there are two particular dates in the year which are extremely powerful. For by observing these two dates we have the maximum opportunity of removing all of obstacles of the… Continue reading 09-016 'Unity by Focusing on Essence' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai
09-012 'Bhakti Is All About Relationships' By Radhanath Swami at Kunjabihari Pr Residence, in Mumbai
Real pleasure comes through relationship I am very grateful to be amongst all of you this evening. Special thanks to Kunjabihari, Madhupriya, Vidhi, prerna, Shiva and this wonderful family for arranging this event. Providing us the opportunity to come together to share the most precious exchanges of spiritual relationship. Bhakti means relationship, sometimes the word… Continue reading 09-012 'Bhakti Is All About Relationships' By Radhanath Swami at Kunjabihari Pr Residence, in Mumbai
09-032 'The Only Secure Investment' By Radhanath Swami
SB 8.2.33 TEXT yaù kaçcaneço balino ‘ntakoragät pracaëòa-vegäd abhidhävato bhåçam bhétaà prapannaà paripäti yad-bhayän måtyuù pradhävaty araëaà tam émahi SYNONYMS yaù—He who (the Supreme Personality of Godhead); kaçcana—someone; éçaù—the supreme controller; balinaù—very powerful; antaka-uragät—from the great serpent of time, which brings death; pracaëòa-vegät—whose force is fearful; abhidhävataù—who is chasing; bhåçam—endlessly (every hour and every… Continue reading 09-032 'The Only Secure Investment' By Radhanath Swami
09-031 'Fulfilling The Reason For Krishna's Appearance' by Radhanath Swami
SB 10.3.27 martyo måtyu-vyäla-bhétaù paläyan lokän sarvän nirbhayaà nädhyagacchat tvat pädäbjaà präpya yadåcchayädya susthaù çete måtyur asmäd apaiti SYNONYMS martyaù—the living entities who are sure to die; måtyu-vyäla-bhétaù—afraid of the serpent of death; paläyan—running (as soon as a serpent is seen, everyone runs away, fearing immediate death); lokän—to the different planets; sarvän—all; nirbhayam—fearlessness; na adhyagacchat—do… Continue reading 09-031 'Fulfilling The Reason For Krishna's Appearance' by Radhanath Swami
09-003 'Loving Krishna Includes Loving Everyone' By Radhanath Swami – Ratha Yatra at Lokhandvala Gardens Juhu
We are like that lost child, not knowing where to find the shelter where mother and father are. But when a vaishnav calls out Radha and Krishna’s name then the mother and father; their prayers bring us again, yoga means in reunion with our eternal shelter. I am very much grateful for this opportunity to… Continue reading 09-003 'Loving Krishna Includes Loving Everyone' By Radhanath Swami – Ratha Yatra at Lokhandvala Gardens Juhu