vairagya Archives - Radhanath Swami Lecture Transcripts

90-072 'Humiliation (SB 08.07.12)' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

SB 8.7.12 upary agendraà giri-räò ivänya äkramya hastena sahasra-bähuù tasthau divi brahma-bhavendra-mukhyair abhiñöuvadbhiù sumano-‘bhivåñöaù   SYNONYMS upari—on the top of; agendram—the big mountain; giri-räö—the king of mountains; iva—like; anyaù—another; äkramya—catching; hastena—by one hand; sahasra-bähuù—exhibiting thousands of hands; tasthau—situated; divi—in the sky; brahma—Lord Brahmä; bhava—Lord Çiva; indra—the King of heaven; mukhyaiù—headed by; abhiñöuvadbhiù—offered prayers to the… Continue reading 90-072 'Humiliation (SB 08.07.12)' by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai