vrindavan yatra Archives - Radhanath Swami Lecture Transcripts

04-19 ‘Shyamtaka Jewel’ Lecture by Radhanath Swami

Symantaka jewel Over here is shyam van ,where there is a sacred Govardhan sila ,with a very holy explicit foot print of Lord Krishna ,that has been worshipped by devotees ,for thousands and thousands of years.Shyam van is where there is RatnaSingha ,the place where Shrimati Radharani will sit and offer various types of services… Continue reading 04-19 ‘Shyamtaka Jewel’ Lecture by Radhanath Swami

04-06 'Vrindavan Pastimes at Shringara Vata' by Radhanath Swami at Shringara Vata

H.H. Radhanath Swami Samādhi Mandirs of Ācāryas … from Kāliyā Ghāṭa, [??] the holy Samādhi mandira of Śrīla Prabodhānanda Sarasvatī, one of the most worshipable saints of our Gauḍīya Vaiṣṇava line. His living example and writings have inspired the hearts of millions over the centuries. Gaura-gaṇoddeśa-dīpikā identifies him as one of the eight principal sakhīs… Continue reading 04-06 'Vrindavan Pastimes at Shringara Vata' by Radhanath Swami at Shringara Vata

04-05 – ‘Keshi’s Pride and Yamuna’s Mercy’ by Radhanath Swami at Keshi Ghat

HH RADHANATH SWAMI We have come for the darshan of Sri Yamuna Mayi at the holy place, Keshi Ghat. Kamsa sent the monsters here, Keshi, to Vrindavana. Actually, time and again, Kamsa was sending tremendous, powerful, mystic demons, who can assume incredible forms and create utter terror, and each time (0:01:14.3) effortlessly and then to… Continue reading 04-05 – ‘Keshi’s Pride and Yamuna’s Mercy’ by Radhanath Swami at Keshi Ghat

01-13 – 'Approaching Krsna through Shrimati Radharani' Lecture by Radhanath Swami at Raval

Making deity worship universal Raghunath Das Goswami writes in one of his very worshipable literatures that he bows his head millions of times the holy place where the supreme worshipable personality of our Gaudiya vaishnavas sampraday, Shrimati Radharani appeared within this world. Today we are very fortunate, our great acharyas established how to worship… Continue reading 01-13 – 'Approaching Krsna through Shrimati Radharani' Lecture by Radhanath Swami at Raval

01-12 – ‘Brahma-vimohana Lila’ Lecture by Radhanath Swami at Brahma kund

Gentle nature of Vrajavasis Our acharyas teach us that we should see through our ears, so today we will have an opportunity to do so. On the way here we were lost & bewildered. If someone brought twenty buses into their agricultural fields in the western world they would be shooting at us with gun… Continue reading 01-12 – ‘Brahma-vimohana Lila’ Lecture by Radhanath Swami at Brahma kund

01-11- 'Mercy through surrender' Lecture by Radhanath Swami at Chir Ghat

Mercy through surrender The only qualification we have is the mercy of our acharyas It is not by ordinary good fortune, even that which is attained by life times of austerities, highest activities, giving in charity; it is only by the causeless mercy of the spiritual master & lord Krsna that anyone could come to… Continue reading 01-11- 'Mercy through surrender' Lecture by Radhanath Swami at Chir Ghat

01-09 – ‘Conquering Krsna with love’ Lecture by Radhanath Swami at Maan Mandir in Barsana

Krsna is controlled by the love of his devotees For many of us it might be only once per year that we are here at Sri Maan Mandir, for others it may be the only time in the life. Under the beautiful stars of Vrindavan in this holy place that is so very isolated from… Continue reading 01-09 – ‘Conquering Krsna with love’ Lecture by Radhanath Swami at Maan Mandir in Barsana

01-08 – Lecture by Radhanath Swami at Krsna Kund or radha sarovar in Barsana

Lecture at Krsna Kund or Radha Sarovar Why do Krsna wear peacock’s feather on his crown? This beautiful reservoir of water is commonly known as Krsna kund although the local Vrajavasis call it by you the name Radha Sarovar, the lake of Shrimati Radharani. It is one of the favourite bathing places of the daughter… Continue reading 01-08 – Lecture by Radhanath Swami at Krsna Kund or radha sarovar in Barsana