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‘Power Of Inquiry’ Prerana Lecture by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

I offer my sincerest gratitude to our distinguished special guests. Which include everyone who is attending today’s discussion. The topic I was asked to speak on was “The Power of Inquiry” and there was a clause that I should not speak very long.Hare Krsna In the 1st canto of SB our Beloved Guru Maharaj AC… Continue reading ‘Power Of Inquiry’ Prerana Lecture by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

‘Overcoming Greed’ Prerana Lecture by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

Hare Krishna! My name is Suhotra Swami & I am here to speak to you on the subject of Krishna Consciousness, so as announced & as visible various notices tonight’s topic is overcoming greed .I think it is very useful to preface that specific examination about greed with first a overview of the mind as… Continue reading ‘Overcoming Greed’ Prerana Lecture by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

'From Ritual to Spiritual' Prerana Lecture by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

            In every religion there are various names of god various culture traditions and many many rituals. in one beautiful lecture srila prabhupad explained how the ritual are like phoniolus that are ment for the specific purpose of daubt telling our consciousness to the supreme consciousness. If we become attached… Continue reading 'From Ritual to Spiritual' Prerana Lecture by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

‘Failures as Stepping Stones to Success’ Prerana Lecture by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

Time is so precious. Every moment is more valuable than all the wealth that we can possibly achieve in this world. If you loose wealth, you can get it back. But if you loose time, it is gone. Every moment of this human form of life is so very, very valuable. Our  success in life is… Continue reading ‘Failures as Stepping Stones to Success’ Prerana Lecture by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

'Dying to Live' Prerana Lecture by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

I sincerely thank everyone for assembling this evening in Sri Rädhägopénäth, Temple for the festival of inspiration. Tonight’s topic can be discussed from various perspectives. I would like to share some thoughts with you this evening on a particular perspective of this subject which I believe is very essential for those who want to make… Continue reading 'Dying to Live' Prerana Lecture by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

'Conflict Resolution' Prerana Lecture by Radhanath Swami, im Mumbai

I would like to welcome our honoured guests. My very deep gratitude to everyone who has so kindly assembled this evening for this auspicious event. It is so crucial in today’s world that we make priority, the development of our character. Today I have been asked to speak on the subject of ‘ Conflict Resolution’.… Continue reading 'Conflict Resolution' Prerana Lecture by Radhanath Swami, im Mumbai

'The Power of Prayers' Prerana Lecture by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

Om namo bhagabate vasudevaya I sincerely welcome everyone toSriRadhaGopinathTemple, for this very wonderful Prerana festival. Tonight I was asked to speak on the subject, The Power of Prayers. I do not deserve to speak on such a high subject, but I pray to all of you to bear with me as I try.   Effect… Continue reading 'The Power of Prayers' Prerana Lecture by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

'Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People' By Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

Bad Things Happening to the World Very sincere gratitude to all of our special guests assembled devotees for so kindly coming this evening to the prerana festival. Thank you for coming. Tonight we are speaking on a topic that is pocked and pounded, debated, contemplated over millenniums, Why do bad things happen to good people.… Continue reading 'Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People' By Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai