Hari Bol Prabhuji. Dandvat,
Prabhuji the recording is not clear so I am unable to complete this. Sorry.
Sri Narada Muni witnessed the appearance of Lord Krishna and he knew that Krishna appears in His original form ones in a day of Brahma. One time in every 4 billion 320 thousand.
Krishna does not appear in His original form without His original pleasure potency – Hladini Shakti – Sri Radhika. In the spiritual world Krishna exhibits three energies; Sandini, Samvit, and Hladini. Sandini sakti, Krishna maintains entire existence of the spiritual world. Samvit sakti is the sakti in which Krishna knows everything and also through that sakti that can empower living entities to know Krishna. Hladini sakti is Krishna’s energy, it gives Him supreme pleasure and also gives pleasure to the heart of His devotees. The essence of Hladini sakti is prema – pure love. The essence of prema is maha bhava, the supreme alternate state – complete love, which Smt. Radharani is the sole proprietor, the very personification and embodiment of maha bhava. Which means She is the source of all love. Krishna Asraya is the supreme object of love and Radharani is visaya, she is the supreme abode of love. All love is within Radharani’s heart. Whatever love a living entity may have is only by mercy by grace of Sri Radharani. Just as we are part and parcel of Krishna, whatever love we have in our perfect state of consciousness, is part and parcel of Sri Radha’s love. Krishna’s supreme happiness is in tasting the sweetness of Radha’s love. And Radha’s exclusive happiness is in giving Krishna that taste of Her love without any consideration of Her own self interest. Eternally Her only meditation is to give Krishna the sweet taste of Her love knowing how much pleasure He derives from that. Prabhupada explains “this is a great contradiction. He quotes from Krishnadas Kaviraj Goswami. How the Gopis of Vrndavan who are all the followes of Smt. Radharani, for all eternity they never had the slightest thought or consideration about their own happiness. Their only thought is krishna’s happiness. Radharani’s only thought is Krishna’s happiness. And gopi’s only thought is in assisting Radharani to give Krishna happiness. It is explained that Srimati Radharani is like creeper and all the living entity are like flowers on that creeper. The flowers have no direct contact with the tree but the flowers blossoms because of it’s connection to the creeper. But Krishna Himself, He is wondering what is the nature of Radharani’s love? In Her selfless spirit to please me, to give me happiness She cares nothing for her own. In Her selfless spirit to give Me happiness She experiences tens and millions of timw happiness than Me. Krishna who is the knower of everything is unable to understand this. What is the nature of Radharani’s love? What is it that Smt. Radharani sees in me that gives Her such happiness. What is it that she taste when She experiences my love? Because Krishna is always subordinate to Radha’s love and Radha is always subordinate to Krishna’s love we understand through this what is actual love? The source of all love. And Gaudiya vaisnavs have the highest understanding of the conclusion of all the scriptures. And what is that? The ultimate aspiration in our lives should be to assist anyway the happiness that Radha and Krishna are sharing with one another. That’s all. It means to be directly the servant of the servant of smt. Radharani or the servant of the servant of the servant of the servant of millions time down, it really doesn’t matter. What matters is our heart our soul our lives is exclusively exisisting to assist in the supreme lila of love. Rupa Goswami, by the empowerment of caitanya Mahaprabhu has revealed these most confidential secrets so beautifully. So Narad Muni understood that Krishna cannot come in His original form within this world without smt. Radharani. It’s simply not possible. He can come as Varahadeva or Narsimhadeva or He can come as Matsya. These are all vaikuntha forms of the lord but Shyamsundar is always with sri Radhrani. So he was searching where is smt. Radharani? She must have appeared. And he came here to Raval, where the ultimate treasure of all of his worship and aspiration is to be found.
In different kalpas smt. Radharani appears in different ways. In some Puranas it is described that here in Mukharavali Vrasbhanu was plowing the field, and from here a beautiful golden child, the female form, appeared. And he brought her home
Very nice explaination by Radhanath Swamiji.Sri Krishka Chaitanya Mahaprabhu came in this age of kali to teach us yugadharama for this particular age.This is a Hari-Nam Sakirtan.Let us pray to Swamiji and Mahaprabhu that give us strength and intelligence to take this simple path given by Mahaprabhu seriously and transcend this material world for Spiritual world to Serve our Supreme Lord Shri Krishna.Thank you very much.