Serve Guru and Vaishnavas as Make Advancement
We are gathered today that the fruits of our parikrama may be that we have please Him and that our life may be blessed with moment to moment endeavor to give pleasure to Sri Sri Radha Krsna, Guru and Vaishnavas.
The perfection of life is to please Radha Gopinath as the servant of Their servants. There’s nothing greater that you can ask for than that. That please, give us the strength, the wisdom and the purity through which we can please You in our every thought, word and action.
As Maharaja was speaking so nicely today, in Madhu’s sport of servitude, His determining of surrender and what goal can we ask more than that? We have wept in the same sacred dust as Sri Sri Radha Krsna present Their lila. The same dust of Lord Chaitanya, Lord Nityananda, the six Goswamis and all the acharyas have blessed.
So purifying. So let us really hope and pray that this purification will deepen our desires and our sincerity to take shelter of the name of the Lord. And service to Guru and the Vaishnavas. And let us pray that someday, by causeless mercy, we can actually always remember Krsna and never forget Krsna.
I wish to offer my very sincere gratitude to all of you for your incredible enthusiasm to hear and chant, your tolerance of any inconveniences you may have undergone and I want to congratulate all of you for the incredible good fortune that you have received and request you that share that good fortune in every way possible, wherever you may be in your life.
Thank you very much.
Now we, if there are any other announcements, they can be made. Otherwise we can all take the acamana and sprinkle water as a bath in the holy water of kusum-sloher, and then everyone should offer their prostrated obeisances ion gratitude to Sri Giri Govardhana, and also prostrated obeisances at the feet of all the Vaishnavas, and that will conclude our worship of Govardhana Hill.
Thank you very much.
vancha-kalpa taru bhyas ca
krpa-sindhu bhya eva ca
patita nam pavane bhyo
vaisnave bhyo namo namah
Srila Prabhupada ki Jay!
Wonderful. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you so much Radhanath Swamiji
Many thanks to Radhanath Swami.