na bhäraté me ‘ìga måñopalakñyate
na vai kvacin me manaso måñä gatiù
na me håñékäëi patanty asat-pathe
yan me hådautkaëöhyavatä dhåto hariù
(SB 2.6.34)
Translation :
O Närada, because I have caught hold of the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Hari, with great zeal, whatever I say has never proved to have been false. Nor is the progress of my mind ever deterred. Nor are my senses ever degraded by temporary attachment to matter.
Although i am known as the great brahma perfect in the desiplic succession of vedic wisdom and although i have all undergone all austerities and am an expert in mystic powers and self-realisation and although i am recognised as such by the great forefathers of the living entities who offer me respectful obeisances still i cannot understand him(the lord) the very source of my birth, therefore it is best for me to surrender unto his feet which alone can deliver one from the miseries of repeated birth and death.such surrender is all auspicious and allows one to perceive all happiness.even the sky cannot estimate the limits of its own expansion so what can others do when the lord himself is unable to estimate his own limits.since neither lord shiva nor you nor i could ascertain the limits of spiritual happiness how can other demigods know it?and because all of us are bewildered by the illusory external energy of the supreme lord we can see only this manifested cosmos according to our individual ability.
This evening we are reading of the discussion between the original father and the original spiritual master of our universe lord brahma with his beloved son and disciple sri Narada muni. Narada is a perfect desciple because free of all sense of pride and prestige he is approaching his guru as a fool who knows nothing. This is the qualification to receive knowledge. As long as we think we know something, that false ego prevents us from learning what is truth. You see false ego is one of the material ingredients. In the gita Krishna says-
bhümir äpo ‘nalo väyuù
khaà mano buddhir eva ca
ahaìkära itéyaà me
bhinnä prakåtir añöadhä
That there are eight material ingrediants, the five gross elements are earth and water, fire, air and ether and the three subtle material elements are the mind, the intelligence and ahamkar or false ego. As long as we are under the misconception of being directed or attached to any of these gross or subtle material elements our path of progress to the truth will be blocked. Therefore a true spiritual teacher will tell us that if we want to make proper spiritual progress we have to refrain from allowing our activities to be directed by our gross senses. In our vaishnava sampradaya we make the vow- no illicit sex, no intoxication, no gambling, no meat eating because these gross sense pleasure which are simply to fulfil the temporary passions of this body. By giving into those passions we can make no real spiritual progress. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur gave the example that trying to make spiritual progress even if we are performing so much sadhana and engaging in so many religious activities if we are not giving up the sensual pleasures of this body it is like trying to a row a boat with the anchor still on the bottom of the river .We can row and we can row and we can row .We can chant and chant and chant and do so many pujas and engage in so many other types of charitable activities but as long as we are not willing to give up the demands of the senses toward materialistic pleasures we make virtually no real progress .Guru maharaj used to tell us that it was such a cheating system of religion when people say you can go on doing anything you like, just take this mantra,you can take the mantra and you can chant the mantra or you can meditate on a particular mantra but the sixth canto of Bhagvatam, Sukadeva explains that it is like going of an elephant taking bath in a river and becoming clean and then coming out and rolling on the ground. In the western world often times people they go to their church or temple and they pray god forgive us for our sins but then they continue their sins. It is no way to make real spiritual progress. But there are three subtle elements, even after giving up these gross pleasures of the body, there is the mind, the intelligence and the ego .The mind has so many frivolous thoughts that keep appearing and disappearing and coming again and again and again. We all have the experience of the nature of the mind. Our mind can make heaven into hell or hell into heaven. As long as we are following the dictations of the mind we can make no real spiritual progress. And the intelligence that is misdirected by the influences of the mind and the senses will lead us only to degradation but the subtle most platform of the material existence is the false ego(ahamkar) .As long as we are following the dictations of our own false ego we cannot understand the truth. And what is the false ego? The false ego means to think that i know. That i know what is right. that i know who is Krishna. that i am this body. that i am this mind coming up with so many ideas . Narada muni is approaching brahma as one who knows nothing. Just like you remember when you were in school, before each lesson the teacher would erase everything on the blackboard and then she would begin the lesson on a blank board. Unless our mind, Unless our ego is like that blank board our spiritual master cannot really write anything on it because even if he tries it’s all mixed up with so much other information that you will be confused. And here lord brahma who is the guru,he is adikavaye ,he is the original spiritual master.
Tene brahma hridaye adikavaye muyanti atsurya……..
At the very dawn of creation the first being born from lord Narayan himself upon a lotus flower was Brahma and he was personally empowered by the supreme personality of godhead to be the first guru from whom all creatures who want to know the truth must understand. And Brahma here is explaining to Narada that i don’t know Krishna. all i know is that … i am the great Brahma at least everyone is saying i am so great and i have undergone tremendous austerities and i am expert in all mystic powers and self realisation and although i am recognised as the greatest living being by everyone in the universe, i cannot understand Krishna. All i can do is offer my respectful obeisences unto him and surrender to him. Hari bol. Hari bol (chorus). This is what the original guru is saying ,i don’t know. all i know is i suggest surrender, Krishna is too great, even lord Shiva myself and you who can know Krishna ? The absolute truth, the cause of all causes. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati used to say don’t try to know Krishna ,don’t try to see Krishna but try to serve Krishna in such a way that he wants to see you. That he wants to know you, that is the true path back home back to godhead. So here we find the greatest of all spiritual masters and the greatest of all disciples Narada muni and Brahma having a wonderful discussion wherein they both saying that neither of us know anything. But we know one thing Brahma is telling Narada i know one thing that this disciplic succession is pure because everyone in it is humbly trying to surrender to Krishna and offer their respectful obisiences to Krishna and whatever Krishna has revealed to us we will simply repeat, we will not speculate, we will just repeat it because it is true,because it is coming from Krishna. And even in the highest point of our realisation all we can ever fathom is a tiny little drop from the ocean of Krishna’s unlimited glories and virtues. Of course there are some philosophers who say that i am god and that you are god and that we are all all knowing but anyone can say anything they like, but what craziness what madness you are god you are all knowing. They may know a lot more than us but what does it mean to be all knowing. Do you know every desire of every living entity past, present and future? That is god. Lord Brahma explains here in these verses that even Krishna who is unlimited cannot even understand himself, he is so unlimited. This is what brahma says! Someone may say that if god is all knowing how is that he doesn’t know himself? The great acharayas explain because his glories are always increasing, certainly he knows his glories but by the time he knows his glories his glories increased beyond that and then when he knows that his glories increased beyond that .So therefore to know god, means to surrender to god, to love god and to serve god. To know my constitutional position with god is to never know him but to love and to serve him because he is unlimited, he is vibhu and i am infinitesimal anu. Therefore lord Chaitanya mahaprabhu prayed
Gopi bharatur padkamlayor das das dasanudas
I know what position i want, to be the servant of the servant of the servant of the lord because that’s the highest position in the eyes of Krishna .The Vedanta and the great scholars they can present things so proficiently but Krishna doesn’t care for their explanations, Krishna only cares for the humility and devotion of our heart. If we want to please Krishna we have to take the position of pleasing those that Krishna loves. It is a simple process .There is a beautiful story that Sri Ramanujacharya , one of the very very great mahabhagvat devotees who established the eternal truths of the Shri sampraday, he had such tremendous impact on the whole world through his life and teachings and what did he teach? that the only way to approach lord Narayan is to become a humble servant of his servants .And i would like to site one example in his life- once he took many of his disciples on a yatra from Srirangam where he was living they were in route to Tirupati .As they were walking many of his disciples they came to one village and in the village Ramanujacharya had two disciples, one was named Yagyesh and the other was Waradacharya. Yagyesh was a very rich merchant businessman and Waradacharya was a very poor man, actually he was in poverty .He would have to go out every day early in the morning to beg and he would come back at noon with just enough food to feed him and his wife, whose name was Lakshmi devi. So Ramanujacharya sent two of his disciples to the beautiful home of Yagyesh and told him that to tell him that his Gurudeva Ramanuja and many of his disciples are coming to spend the night at your house. So when they came to Yagyeshs house and they gave him this news he became so happy ,So honoured ,he considered himself so fortunate that my Gurudev Rramanujacharya is going to come and spend the night in my house, my beautiful house will now have the blessings of Gurudev. So he immediately started calling for all his servants and making wonderful wonderful arrangements and he himself was running here and there and everywhere, making nice accommodations. So the two servants returned to Ramanuja and said “yes Yagyesh is making so many nice arrangements for you. Everyone in the household, all the servants they are working very hard waiting for you” and Ramanuja asked “how did they receive the two of you?”. “he was so busy,so busy making arrangements for you that he forgot about us, didn’t even give us a glass of water”. Ramanuja said “then we will go to the house of Waradacharaya” and they came to the house. When they arrived it was the morning and Waradacharya was out begging for a little rice. So many hours it would take up to come home with little rice and his wife Laksmi devi was at home and Ramanuja came with all of his disciples and said we have come to spent the day and the night with you. She said “please have a seat, i will prepare some Prasad for you.” She knew her husband what could he come back so she went into her kitchen. There was not even one grain of rice in the whole kitchen. She was thinking “if we don’t please Gurudev, what is the purpose of our life?”. I forgot to say that he sent people to Waradacharyas house first and they were greeted so nicely .That is why Ramanuja decided to go there .So Lakshmi was thinking “there is a very sinful terrible man, very wealthy man, big merchant and he is very lusty for me and he thinks because i am a wife of a poor man he can seduce me to be enjoyed by him by promising me so much gold and so much money and so much riches. I have always refused him because i am chaste and faithful to my husband. She went to that rich man and she said “my husband’s gurudev and my gurudev has come to my house with many of his disciples and i have no food to feed them. Please make arrangements. Send some bhoga, some food for to me to prepare and offer to lord narayan and give to him and if you will do this for me i will do anything for you.”. so the man was thinking “aahaa haribol”…he didn’t say haribol..we are saying haribol…he was saying something else. Anyways he was very much happy. So he arranged nice, wonderful, opulent preparations to be sent to the house and she began to prepare them in the kitchen and then she offered it to the lord and then she offered it to ramanuja, wonderful wonderful feast Prasad and ramanuja was so happy and all of his disciples were thinking “this man, such a poor house. How is it that they are feeding us so sumptuously with elegant prasad of lord narayan?”. and after they finished taking the prasad waradacharya, the husband returned home and he saw what type of mahaprasad remnants they were. He said to his wife after offering obeisences to his guru and surrendering his life and everything he had he said “how is it my dear wife, how, how you prepared this? I have been out begging all day for some rice and you made this grand feast.” She became very ashamed. Her head was low and she said “my dear husband i was in a desperate situation that that terrible terrible man who is always trying to pollute me , i promised him i will do anything if he gives me money or if not money he gives me the food to cook a feast for my guru.” When he heard this he began to dance in joy thinking “my wife i am so fortunate to have someone like you willing to giveup anything to help me us in my service to my gurudev. i am so proud of you.”.and then they both went and they and they told ramanujacahrya cause he asked how. They both said this is how we got this nice food. ramanujacharya said “first you take my remnants my mahaprasad and then what you must do is both together go and bring this rascal of the man, bring him my mahaprasad and have him eat it.”.so after taking his Prasad they went to the house of this rich man and they said this is the mahaprasad of our guru, please accept it, and he ate it and just by eating the mahaprasad and understanding the virtue of this women, how she was willing to do so much just to protect the relationship between her husband and her guru and to serve her guru he became so overwhelmed that his heart melted and he actually bow down to them and said “please,let me meet this spiritual master who has disciples like you. Never i have seen such dedication and such heart is changed.” So they brought him to the lotus feet of ramanuja and he surrendered to ramanuja and begged him for initiation..haribol. haribol(chorus). If you surrender to Krishna,Krishna will protect you. Meanwhile yagyesh, that nice devotee who neglected ramanujas servants, he was waiting all day. ramanuja never came. He had all the arrangements, elegant arrangements.then he found out that he is staying at this other mans he came,tears in his eyes,his heart was broken. “my dear gurudev why you didn’t come?what offence did i make?”.ramanuja replied that you neglected my cannot please me if you neglect my could make the most elegent,wonderful arrangements for me but if in any way you disrespect my servants i cannot accept anything you give me.he said “it is not that i disrespected them.its that i was so anxious to serve you that i just forgot about them.but if i forget your servants how could i remember you properly.”.that was the lesson that he learned.if you forget the servants of the lord how can you remember the lord.and in this particular case its even more direct.if you forget to properly serve and care for the desciples of your guru,your godbrothers and godsisters then how can you properly remember your spiritual master.therefore lord chaitanya mahaprabhu understood “if you are not pleasing the devotees you cannot please the guru ,if you don’t please the guru and the devotees you cannot please cannot even think of krishna in a proper frame of mind.”.therefore mahaprabhu aspired only for the position of being the servant of the servant of the lord.because then when i approach his holy name which is utterly non different from him then Krishna will reciprocate with me.
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
This is the power of the holy name. But to receive the power of the holy name we must become humble.we must be in the mood of a servant of a receive the true blessings of our spiritual master we must please those who are dear to him.this is the essence of our philosophy.and to chant the holy name so purely,no matter what our condition of life is we can become purified whatever offences we made. lord chaitanya one time during his navadvipa leela he and some of his associates nityanand prabhu,jagadanand pandit,gadadhar pandit,agreshwar pandit they,they were wandering through various parks of navadvipa dham,having wonderful kirtan,their arms raised,their legs dancing,they were chanting
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
And they came to one pond of water and they met a cowherd boy.his name was ramdas and he said that my dear lord gaurang mahaprabhu i am in distress because my service is to take care of these cows
Namo brahmanaya devaya go brahmnaya hitayaca
jagad dhitaya krishnaya govindaya namo namah
The scriptures explain that one who pleases the Brahmans and the cows becomes very dear to Krishna.why?.for the same reason
Das dasanudas………
Because the cows are such living servants of the lord providing nice milk and ghee for humanity so that they can make spiritual progress.and the Brahmans,the pure Brahmans who are devotees of the lord,they are also dedicating their entire lives for serving the lord by giving spiritual knowledge,by giving spiritual inspiration by their exemplary behaviour on this earth.and one who shows compassion to the fallen souls of this world is the dearest servant of this world and it is the Brahmans and the cows that give so much compassion to the fallen souls by giving us a chance to become Krishna for this reason the lord is very much affectionate to the cows and to the devotees and by pleasing them our life is perfect and by displeasing them we have no entrance into approaching the service of the this ramdas was dedicated to making the cows happy.infact our gurudev his devine grace srila A.C. BHAKTIVEDANTA SWAMI PRABHUPAD, he used to say that the barometer to understand the spiriruality of any society is how happy the cows are,simple. its like if you want to know the weather you look at the thermometer or the barometer.if you want to understand how high or low the spiriruality of any culture is you just see the condition of the cows.if the cows are protected and happy that means that this place is spiritually very strong,very enlightened and if the cows are unprotected and in stress that means spiritually this place is very maharaj used to say that we want in our farm communities that the cows are so jubilant that their tails are raised and they dance when you call them by their names………….hari bolllllllll……… ramdas was in distress.he said my lord “my cows are very unhappy”. “why?why they are unhappy?”.because this pond of water.they are thirsty.this is the source of drinking water for my cows.but there is a terrible dangerous crocodile living in the water and whenever our cows sees this crocodile they become so afraid to go anywhere near the pond to drink the lord chaitanya mahaprabhu upon hearing this he looked at the pond and very loudly he began to chant the holy names
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
What he was doing is by calling the holy name he was calling this crocodile out of the pond.similarly our mind is like a pond.when it is crystal clear through the clear mind we can perceive Krishna.bhagvadgita says when the mind is clear,pure and controlled, you can perceive the paramatma krishna within your heart but when the mind has terrible crocodiles your mind becomes a very fearful,terrible we chant the holy name to remove this crocodile from the pond of our mind.lord chaitanya gave the example by chanting very loudly the holy names
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Kadama muni is looking at me like these people,why they are so tired and lazy.they should chant loudly.kadama you stand up and you will teach them to chant very loudly.ley us call the crocodiles out of our minds.
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
The lord chanted so beautiful,so melodious,so sweet that attracted the crocodile out of the pond.and this crocodile came out of the water and approached chaitanya mahaprabhu and placed his head atop the lotus feet of lord gauranga
And soon as the dust particles of the feet of gouranga mahaprabhu touched the crocodiles head immediately a beautiful celestial infant boy.
And he began to speak,this little baby boy,he began to speak “he said that you are so have liberated me from this terrible form of a crocodile.” He said “a long time ago i was actually a celestial being from the higher grounds,out of this earthly plain.but the great sage durvas muni he was reciding at that time at kamyavan and he was sleeping and a meschievous child while he was sleeping i cut some of his marred hairs.and durvas muni he woke up seeing that i cut some of his hairs.he became so angry that he cursed me to became a terrible ,gruesome ,fearful crocodile for four yugas.”
“So i began to cry.”i don’t wanted to be a crocodile. “please i am sorry i beg forgiveness.please you are a great sage,forgive me.what can i do?how can i atone for this offence?” And because i beg forgiveness and admitted my mistake so sincerely durvas became kind upon me and he said “alright you will remain in the body of a terrible crocodile up and till the time when lord chaitanya mahaprabhu,who is none other than Krishna himself will appear in this age of kaliyuga to deliver the most fallen souls.when he sings the holy name and you hear that singing and take shelter of his lotus feet you will not only attain this original form of yours as a baby,celestial being,but you will be given pure love of god.”and then the little boy began to pray to lord that i have been in this crocodile body for so ,long and everyone have been so afraid of me.but you are so kind.although i am so sinful and i am so offensive you have given me your mercy,you have given me your mercy, your love, you my lord are the patitpawana of all living have come in this age of kaliyuga to give everyone the chance of achieving this love,even the most sinful crocodiles like me,be giving us the chance to chant the holy names
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Infact my lord you are going everywhere simply distributing love of god by advocating that everyone raise their arms and loudly chant the holy name
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Now that you have given me the perfection of life by your causeless mercy , please i surrender my life to you.with your permission let me return to my parents because they have been waiting for me for four yugas.they will be happy to see me again as a pure devotee chanting the holy names
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
So chaitanya mahaprabhu gave him blessings and he returned in his form to his celestial this is the power of receiving the holy name of the lord in this mood of humility.actually this particular soul had to be in the abominable form of a crocodile before he became so humble.why should we have to go through all of that.why dont we just become humble servants of the lords devotees now.and with the blessings of the vaishnavas we can achieve the highest perfection of realise we are not this temporary body which is subjected to all miseries you can make so many arrangements but in this world you must suffer as long as you are not Krishna in india people are so mad after material enjoyment and so many people they want to leave india.they want to go to the west because there the comforts,the luxuries,the pleasures of life are so easily attained.and it is a fact they are.but thats not all you find many physical comforts and luxuries but it is still the same world of birth,old age,disease and America which is the farthest west country in the world,actually srila prabhupad used to say “the farther west you go the more people are immersed in sense gratification and the better the sense gratification becomes.”.so in America the western most part is California and you know how people are mad to go to California.its the wealthy state in America ,most money ,the most nice weather ,movie stars ,big beautiful homes ,scenic beauty,wonderful mountains,the pacific ocean,beautiful beaches, California,people dream to go to California.anyways all these people who fullfill their dreams,living in sunny California,yesterday there was earthquake.los angeles,Beverly hills,Hollywood, whole the electricity is out.
Hari bollllllll
And the pluming is all messed up and all stool and urines coming out of peoples toilets
Hari bolllll
And the telephones are not working so they cant talk all nonsense to their friends
Hari bollllllll
And even people are dying and bridges are breaking down and traffic jams and trains are being derailed and this is just one earthquake in a series ofmany that have been going on for a couple of weeks and whats to come we donot know.but people are afraid and they are suffering and they are miserable.this is material can make every possible can think here in Bombay,so many rats and so many poor people ,beggars knocking on your window.i am going to move to California and i am going to be happy.what will you find there?people knock on your windows there but they have guns in their hands not not towels.and there may not be so many rats but there is drug addicts ready to kill you in a second to get your money,ready to somehow or other convince your children to become a drug addicts so that they can take all their money. Aanh . sunny California. recently in the gune beach,one of the most posh and high income areas in the southern California there was a forest aliba beach too i just got a letter from one of my dear friends in aliba beach he said one third of all the homes in aliba beach were burnt to ashes..
These are all movie stars and big musicians and famous people.what can they do. they can just. they were devotees they would say hari bol.they are not devotees, all they can do is cry and weep. “why is this happening to us?”.we donot rejoice when people suffer. Devotee’s devotee’s hearts weep when they see people suffering. We are not celebrating that people are suffering.we are simply acknowledging the fact that there is no happiness in this material world no matter where you go and no matter what you do.there is only one purpose to life, to realise our spiritual identity and act according to that spiritual identity. I being the servant of the servant of the lord and chanting his holy name with great attention and great feeling regularly.everyday in our own homes we should be chanting gods name attentively, we should be reading srimad bhagvatam regularly,bhagvadgita with the commentaries of great acharyas.we should be regularly associating with devotees.this is the real wealth,this is the real treasure in this world,everything else is an illusion.chaitanya mahaprabhu said there are only two things of any value in this world the vaishnavas and the holy name. everything else is only meant for our we are so fortunate that we have this chance to seek pleasure,where real pleasure is. To seek relief where liberation is being provided and to seek a meaning to life, whether there is true meaning, the association of devotees,in the service of the devotees and with humility and sincerety to chant krishnas holy names
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Hari bol
Hare krishna
Hari bol
Sri kardama ji’ll now teach us how to chase the crocodiles away from our is the birthday of abhay charanarvind
Hari boll
He has organised this wonderful programme this evening. in the material world were its somebodys birthday they expect a party for themselves.but a devotee when its his birthday he wants to celebrate by glorifying Krishna.
Hari boll
Because it is by krishnas grace that our human life has any value.human form of life is meant for self realisation and it is by the grace of the vaishnavas that we have the opportunity in this human form of life to realise Krishna,to serve Krishna and to love Krishna which is the purpose of this human life.
Durlabha manav janam lobhiya samsare
Durlabha manav janam satsange tarah ae bhav sindhu re
That this human form is so rare.but what is the greatest gift in this human form, the association of devotees, because by that association we can perfect our life and attain pure Krishna consciousness. So on our birthday we should celebrate this precious opportunity to perfect our human life by serving and glorifying the Abhaycharnarvind prabhu on his birthday he has celebrated it by inviting us all to come together,to hear about Krishna, to remember Krishna and to chant
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
And certainly his human birth is a great example for all of us.he is chanting sixteen rounds everyday of the hare Krishna mantra,following the four regulative principles and his whole family are wonderful devotees.his good wife purnamasi is also so wonderfully serving Krishna and the devotees,Vishaka,Lalita and Sachinandan all of his three children are sincere dedicated devotees of the lord.this is the perfection of our family life,when all member’s only aim is serving Krishna,remembering Krishna and chanting the holy names
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Sometimes family members get along,sometimes they don’t,that is not that so important.the important thing is that we are all in the road back home back to godhead.
Hari boll
So i would like to request all the devotees to bestow their loving blessings upon Abhaycharnarvind
Hari boll
What is this?one saffron candle.looks like,looks like if saffron danda.but(?).radhe radhe.hari bol.krishna made it go out.
Hari boll
Thank you Radhanath Swami Maharaj for this wonderful & enlightening discourse.
Very nice lecture as to what our aim in life should be and how to attain the same. Nice stories especially of the boy becoming a crocodile and finally getting liberated.The grace of the Supreme Lord and Vaishnavas are so important to progress in our spiritual lives.