I offer my gratitude to all of you for coming this evening to participate in this ancient enlightening festival of Sri Rath-yatra. For thousands and thousands of years, Rath-yatra has been celebrated in the great holy place of Sri Jagannatha Puri dhama. Approximately 500 years ago as predicted in the Vedic scriptures the Supreme Lord Krishna incarnated upon this earth as Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. The special feature of Lord Caitanya is although He is Krishna; He appears in the role of His own devotee.
kåñëa-varëaà tviñäkåñëaà
yajïaiù saìkértana-präyair
yajanti hi su-medhasaù
That in this age of Kali those who have good intelligence, they will worship the Supreme Lord who has come as Sri Caitanya with a golden complexion along with His associates by the performance of naam sankirtana. When Krishna appeared in this world, He revealed His pastimes of Vrndavana. This is described in Srimad Bhagavatam as well as other puranas and in Kurukshetra He spoke Sri Bhagavad Gita to teach us the path of purifying our heart and attaining spiritual perfection. But only rare, few could enter into the divine mysteries of Krishna’s lilas. But Lord Caitanya and His associates, they broke open the storehouse of love of God tasted it and distributed contents profusely to everyone and anyone without discrimination. Therefore the great Rupa Gosvami composed prayer
namo mahä-vadänyäya
kåñëa-prema-pradäya te
kåñëäya kåñëa-caitanya-
nämne gaura-tviñe namaù
Lord Caitanya is the essence of all avataras, more magnanimous than any other incarnation because He is distributing the highest spiritual perfection of Krishna prema so easily to everyone and anyone. What in previous yugas was so very, very difficult to achieve, can easily be attained in the age of Kali by Lord Caitanya’s mercy by simply chanting the holy names. But the people of Kali are so unfortunate and so fallen that even the simplest, easiest, most sublime of all processes is difficult for us. But in this one short life that we have for only a few years, if we are honest and sincere to associate with the Lord’s devotees and chant the holy names, it is guaranteed we will attain that perfection. Every year Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu would invite His devotees from all directions to celebrate Lord Jagannatha’s Rath-yatra and in the role of a devotee Mahaprabhu would dance ecstatically before Lord Jaganntha’s chariot and induce the whole of Puri to drown in the ocean of the holy names. When He was dancing and chanting, everyone achieved the perfection of Krishna prema—the devotees, the pilgrims, the pujaris, the visitors to Puri, everyone attained that perfection just by seeing Him dancing and chanting.
And our beloved spiritual master A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada by his inconceivable compassion he inaugurated Rath-yatra parades in practically every major city of the world. Why? Why in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, London, Paris, Nairobi, Bombay, Nigdi, Melbourne. Why all these places Rath-yatra is celebrated? Because Prabhupada in the mood of Lord Caitanya’s mercy understood that this is a festival of Supreme mercy. You see in Jagannatha Puri, the priests are very strict. If you are not born in certain caste you cannot enter the temple. But Jagannatha does not care for all these things. Every year He comes out of the temple and He gives His darshana to everyone and anyone without discrimination but in order to actually understand Jagannatha we require the association of devotees. So, Srila Prabhupada even in most degraded places of the most degraded cities in the most degraded parts of the world there is the association of hundred devotees dancing, loudly chanting the holy names and teaching us how to properly serve and love Jagannatha.
The current of the river of material existence is always flowing toward the ocean of death. People are overcome with misconception thinking that we are this body. This is the most fundamental principle of spirituality to understand that ‘I am the eternal soul, I am not this body.’ The need of the soul is to love and to serve God and to taste the sweetness of that happiness. But instead of using this temporary vehicle of the material body for the purpose of the soul the world is using their bodies for very opposite purpose—to egoistically enjoy separate from God. ‘janasya moho ‘yam ahaà mameti,’ People are thinking I am this body, I am the enjoyer and whatever is in relation to this body is mine to enjoy. In this way we are overcome by a great tidal wave of ignorance from the ocean of birth and death. In Kali-yuga people are so much under these misconceptions that there is danger at every step.
The threefold miseries are acute. Miseries caused by one’s own body and mind, distress, anxiety, disease. Even people under 20s and 30s are dying of heart attacks, cancer, AIDs, typhoid. So many diseases inflict pain and even death and in the 21st century the World health Organization explained the disease that will cause the most pain suffering and death is mental disease. Despite of our cellular phones and our computer technology and our satellite televisions people are in more anxiety and depression than ever before in history. Adhyatmika.
And adibhautika, miseries caused by others. Very difficult for even people to maintain common relationships in this age of Kali! In the Western world, 70% of marriages are divorces within three years and divorces are horrible, painful things that very often results in depression and sometimes even in suicide. In Kali-yuga, we find not only in the west but in the east brothers fighting with hatred and anguish with each other over money and power and so much competition based on envy and greed. In politics, in business, people try to destroy, vanquish each other. There is terrorism. Even in the name of religion people learn to hate, envy. The essential universal principle of every religion is to learn to see that there is a part of God in every person’s heart and to love and respect them with compassion. But due to the influence of Kali people are so egoistic that in the name of God they hate, they envy and they kill violently even innocent people. Adibhautika.
And adidaivika, miseries caused by natural disturbances. Too much heat, too much cold, blazing fires and here in India you have very, very serious experiences of earthquakes and tidal waves. Mother earth responds to the karmic behavior of human society. If there is massive sins, massive disrespect for the laws of God across the whole planet there will be major catastrophes. ‘padaà padaà yad vipadäà na teñäm,’ There is danger at every step in this age.
kaler doña-nidhe räjan
asti hy eko mahän guëaù
kértanäd eva kåñëasya
mukta-saìgaù paraà vrajet
In the age of Kali, we are living in an ocean of false.
manuñyäëäà sahasreñu
kaçcid yatati siddhaye
yatatäm apisiddhänäà
kaçcin mäà vetti tattvataù
Out of thousands and thousands of people, one even has a concern for spiritual perfection. In Kali-yuga people are so spiritually lazy but they will work so hard for the futile temporary things of the body. They don’t have time. God has so kindly come and given His holy name. So simple, but we don’t even have time for that.
Yes, Kali-yuga is an ocean of faults but there is one benediction—simply chanting the holy name of Krishna one can attain the supreme perfection of liberation. How is that possible? ‘näma cintämaëiù kåñëaç caitanya-rasa-vigrahaù,’ because the name of Krishna is non-different than Krishna, it is touch stone. ‘nämnäm akäri bahudhä nija-sarva-çaktis,’ that all the powers and opulences of God are within His name. Kali-käle näma-rüpe kåñëa-avatära. The name of Krishna is incarnated in the age of Kali to deliver all living beings. ‘Golokera prema-dhana, hari-näma-saìkértana,’ the name of Krishna has descended from the highest abode of the spiritual world, Goloka. Krishnas’ pastime, Krishna’s form, Krishna’s abode are all revealed to one who sincerely chants the names. Therefore Caitanya Mahaprabhu proclaims that all glories to the sankirtana of the holy name, it is the prime benediction for humanity at large, ‘paraà vijayate çré-kåñëa-saìkértanam,’ and ‘kevala änanda-kanda,’ it is so simple. You see during my lecture little children they are very restless. They are thinking when is this Swamiji going to just close his mouth. Philosophy is only for some. But if we start naam sankirtana the children will be blissfully dancing and smiling joyful. The prime benediction for all humanity! But we must learn how to chant the holy name in a proper state of consciousness in order to get the true effect. In Siksastakam, Caitanya Mahaprabhu taught
tåëäd api sunécena
taror api sahiñëunä
amäninä mänadena
kértanéyaù sadä hariù
We could chant the name constantly, we can taste the nectar of the holy name always if we are humble like a blade of grass, tolerant like a tree and devoid of false prestige offer all respect to others. If people live by these simple four principles, what a peaceful beautiful world this would be! To be humble, tolerant and offer all respect to others. If we have this spirit of being the servant of the servant of the servant, the Lord will be so pleased to reveal Himself when we chant the holy names.
Srila Prabhupada was living in Vrndavana at the place of Krishna’s rasalila, Sevakunj at the holy temple of Sri Radha Damodara. But he had a burning compassion in his heart how could he be satisfied just sitting in the ecstasy of Krishna’s lila when the rest of the world was burning in the fires of illusion. Even India, Prabhupada saw that the people of India were neglecting their own spiritual heritage to chase after the cheap, temporary mirage of western enjoyment. Srila Prabhupada saw that people were so immersed in politics and western technologies and economics that they lost their faith in their own spiritual culture. Most unfortunate!
God has ordained the people of India to lead the entire world spiritually. Neglecting the most precious diamond of the conclusions of the Vedas to search after a culture based on materialism and sinful activities. Prabhupada saw that India was morally ethically and spiritually becoming degraded so what is the hope for the world. He went to the West. One 70 year old Indian man who simply presented the Bhagavad Gita As it is and presented its conclusion to always remember Krishna and to never forget Krishna. ‘Harer näma harer näma harer nämaiva kevalam,’ and the process in Kali of fulfilling this is the chanting of naam kirtana and millions of people’s life were transformed. In fact in 1971 in Cross Maidan in Bombay he brought his European and American disciples to show the people of India what they actually had, but they had forgotten. Prabhupada said that the people of the West are this far from Krishna but so many are running this way toward Krishna and the people of India are this far from Krishna but the vast population is running this way for materialistic prosperity.
So Prabhupada so expertly with such a deep compassion understood that Rath-yatra is the festival of mercy, the festival that includes everyone—of all caste, of all races, of all societies of all sexes, everyone can be delivered through the Rath-yatra festival. Rath-yatra is the festival with the Lord’s mercy. He is just showering upon anyone who just exposes their hearts. When Jagannatha is coming, He is coming to us along with His devotees chanting naam.
So we are very, very happy that the devotees here in Nigdi have worked so very, very hard to arrange this festival for the citizens of this great city. Because Nigdi is between Pune and Mumbai, it seems like a small town. But when today I learnt the population of Nigdi I realized that if this city was in population in America, it would be one of the major biggest cities of our country. Nigdi is a very significant place, very special place. People are very simple and very inclined towards spirituality if they are just given a chance and because of the enthusiasm of the citizens of Nigdi very soon there will be a beautiful temple of Sri Sri Radha Govinda. [Haribol]
To see so many of you coming this evening to hear the glories of the Lord, to chant the glories of the Lord and to associate with the devotees of the Lord brings so much hope and so much gratitude to my heart. Please take this Krishna consciousness philosophy and the chanting of God’s name very, very seriously. This world is a very troubled place. There is only one real solution to purify our hearts and live in harmony with the love of God. So let us taste the nectar of Krishna prema and share that wonderful gift with others through the chanting of the Lord’s holy name. [Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare] This becomes most sublime in the association of the Lord’s devotees. One very, very great and dear devotee is with us this evening, His Holiness Sripad Niranjana Swami [Haribol]. At this time I humbly request him to address the assembled devotees.
HH Niranjana Swami: First I would like to thanks His Holiness Srila Radhanath Swami for inviting me to come here this evening and I would like to thank all of you also for coming here this evening. I feel very fortunate that I was given this opportunity to come and see such a large assembly of people who have gathered to hear the chanting of the holy name and hear the glories of the holy name. It is very satisfying to see so many people coming forward to take part in this sankirtana movement of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Radhanath Maharaj was speaking various points in his talk which were certainly all very relevant to all of us. And as I was listening I was trying to think about which points I should speak about as well.
One point that Radhanath Maharaj spoke about was about peace. And he was speaking how many people are trying to emulate the West trying to make so much material advancement in technology and trying to find so many material comforts and thinking that it’s the means by which one can achieve peace. But I would like to tell just a little story. I decided I would abandon philosophy. I won’t give a philosophical discourse because already many of you are hearing the philosophy from Radhanath Maharaj. I will tell a little philosophy but I wanted also to tell this story about the recent experience that I had in America and this story I hope will help to illustrate a little bit about this point about peace.
In America I often times go there and I travel and I lecture and I have to travel to different cities since many other sannyasis in our movement travel and I get the opportunity to meet different people in the course of my travels. I feel that simply by sitting and meeting these different people I get a little glimpse about what’s going on in the psyche of the American people.
Maharaj was speaking about depression and anxiety, stress and he just recently as a matter of fact when I arrived here in Bombay, he asked me “Can you tell me some of your realizations about your travelling in America.” And I told him that the realization that I have got in this last trip is just that many people are just so stressed out and they’re looking to be peaceful. They are working so hard trying to accumulate material gain and are getting caught up in having to work so hard that they have no time to themselves. And even when they get a little time what they usually do with their time is they just try to vent their stresses to get some immediate gratification but it doesn’t really give them the kind of satisfaction they are hoping to obtain from it. And actually because of this often times when I sit next to people on the plane we strike up a little conversation and I have seen that many of these people, they are looking for something. Because by all calculations it appears that they have so much but when they add up their so much it appears that they still don’t have what they need. Srila Prabhupada used to give the example that if you have so many zeros if you add them all up they equal zero. But if you put one in front of all of your zeros immediately every one of those zeros becomes very significant. But without the number one all those zeros simply add up to zero. Similarly many people they are looking at what they have in their life but when they look inside to see how much satisfaction they’re getting from all these external accumulations many of them are coming to a conclusion that it really is not that much.
Big bank balances, so many material assets, beautiful homes, cars, yards, airplanes. It’s very common in America for even an ordinary family to possess all of these things. When I was there one boy, his father was coming to see him in the temple and he was coming by aero plane to pick him up from the temple. He flew into (? 26.33) he drove to the temple picked him up they went back out to the airport and then they went to see his mother. So although it appears externally they have so much, inside there is something missing.
As I said you I was going to tell you a little story so now I want to tell you a little story. Recently I was flying in America from one city Minneapolis to San Hosae California. And because I travel very frequently around the world I accumulate a lot of miles and sometimes quiet often times I am given an opportunity to sit in the business class section with the wealthy people. So on this particular flight I was upgraded to sit in business class. And I was waiting to board the plane and there was one gentleman who was looking at me but I didn’t know that he was looking at me. But I found out afterwards when I got on the plane and it turned out that the gentleman had a seat right next to me. Then he told me that he was looking at me out in the waiting area before boarding. I sat down in the business class and then about a few minutes later he boarded and sat down next to me and just put all his things in order and didn’t say anything for a while. But when the plane took off he turned to me and he said, “You know, I want to tell you something.” He said, “Before you were boarding the plane I was watching you and I just thought I should tell you something. You see that sweater you are wearing,” he said “it doesn’t match your clothes.”
So I said “Oh thank you very much, I didn’t know that.”
He said, “Yes actually this color that you are wearing this cloth somehow it doesn’t look well with this sweater. I thought you should know that.”
And then he went back about his business, pulled out his book and started to read and then he turned to me again and he said, “So tell me what is this? What are you? Why the robes? Why the shaved head? Tell me something.”
So I told a little bit about myself, about how I was a member of International Society for Krishna Consciousness and I told him that the robes, they were the dress of a sannyasi, a renunciate and then I told him how I travel around the world many cities lecturing on a science of Krishna Consciousness. And then after I spoke for may be about half hour because he was asking a lot of questions about myself, he started to talk about himself. He told me that he is actually a very wealthy multi millionaire and he takes this flight that we are on together twice a week. He is in the computer business, he is a computer consultant and he’s accumulated vast fortunes because of his successful business. Then he started telling me about his family life. He started telling me about his wife. He had married to, he was from Canada but he had married a woman from Pakistan. He started telling me about his wife’s parents, started telling me about his children. He started telling me about his friends.
Then he started just talking about how unhappy he was. Saying that, “I don’t know I have so many problems in life. I have so much wealth, I have so much everything but I am not happy.”
Then he started telling me some very, very personal things about his life. The man was speaking to me for may be an hour and a half just telling me all very personal things about his life. And then all of a sudden he just stopped. I was sitting next to the window, he was sitting on the aisle seat. Then he looked out the window and he was just staring. And then he looked at me and said
“Why am I telling you all of this?” And he said, “I have never talked to anybody about all this problems like I am telling you. You are a stranger and I am telling you everything about my life. Even my closest friends, which I really don’t have, I don’t even tell them these things.”
And then he looked out the window again and then he said again, “Why, why did I tell you all of this?” He asked this question several times, “Why did I tell you all of this?” And I said “I don’t know.”
And then there was a silence for about two minutes. I didn’t know what to expect. I was sitting and waiting what is this man going to do. He just realized he just told some very confidential things about his life, is he going to become angry now? What’s happening? And then after about 2-3 minutes he all of a sudden he slapped his head and looked at me and he said, “That’s it!” And I asked him, “What what’s it?”
“That’s it. Now I know.”
I said “Now you know what?”
He said now, “I know why I told you all these things.”
So I said, “Tell me what is it.”
And he looked at me right in the face and he said “Because you are happy.” [Haribol]
“You don’t have a wife [Laughter], you don’t have a family, you don’t have a job, you don’t have a home, you don’t have anything and you are happy.” [Laughter]
And then he said “And you weren’t even disturbed when I told you your sweater didn’t match your clothes.” [Laughter]
So he said “That’s why because you are happy. How do you do it, tell me.”
He said “Look I am a businessman. I know when something’s valuable. Tell me how did you get like that, I want to know.”
So I told him about Prabhupada. I had a wonderful opportunity just to speak about Srila Prabhupada. I told him how Srila Prabhupada came to the West and how he introduced Krishna Consciousness in the West and then I told him about Bhagavad Gita and I started speaking a little bit about the context of Bhagavad Gita and told him that how I became happy.
As soon as I started telling him as he found out how is that I became happy he said “I want that book. How do I get that book? Tell me I know when something is valuable, that book must be very valuable so you please tell me how I get that book.”
So then by that time the flight had landed. We were getting off the plane and I didn’t have a Bhagavad Gita with me unfortunately. But I took the opportunity to take his email address and then we send him some information on how to acquire the book.
But this little story is just one story. There are many similar stories, experiences I have in the course of my travel, meeting people like this. People are looking for peace and although they have so many material assets they don’t have peace and they don’t know how to find it and they can’t even use all of their wealth to purchase it because they don’t know where to get it. And even if they try to spend all of their wealth to purchase it unless they come in contact with somebody who has something very valuable like Krishna consciousness or like what Srila Prabhupada has given us, even if they spend millions of dollars they won’t get their peace. Therefore Prabhupada often times quote the verse
kåñëa-bhakta—niñkäma, ata eva ‘çänta’
bhukti-mukti-siddhi-kämé, sakali ‘açänta’
That the devotee of Lord Krishna, he is niskama and therefore he can be peaceful. Niskama means he is desireless, he has no desires. He is simply satisfied in serving Krishna that is his desire. No living being can be desireless, desire is the eternal companion of the soul. But we have to find the right object of desire. Therefore kåñëa-bhakta—niñkäma, ata eva ‘çänta’ bhukti-mukti-siddhi-kämé those who are aspiring for bhukti, those who are desiring for material enjoyment, those who are desiring mukti liberation those who are siddhis, those who are desiring mystic yogic perfections, they are kamis. They still have many lusty desires. Sakali ‘açänta’. Therefore they cannot be peaceful.
So this is just simply a small sample. The story that I have told you tonight about what is happening with people who have all of these so called zeros and have accumulated them all their lives. Srila Prabhupada has come to this material world and went to the West to tell everybody how to add one to all of those zeros. This festival, the chanting of the holy names of the Lord, the association with the vaisnavas, it’s all meant to help us realize that what is the one that all of us need to put in front of all of our zeros. You’re as fortunate because you have the opportunity to hear about this one so much. In the West, many people have still not heard what is this one. They are looking. But it is the devotees of Lord Krishna who can tell them how to add Krishna to their lives. So we should take advantage of festivals such as this. Take advantage of the association of devotees, take advantage of the opportunity to chant the holy names of Krishna. As Srila Radhanath Maharaj has so nicely explained that this is what Caitanya Mahaprabhu has come to give us in this age of Kali. He has come to give us the most precious jewel, the most valuable gift. That most valuable gift upon receiving it everything else becomes insignificant. That is the gift of love for Krishna which is available in the chanting of the holy names of the Lord. [Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare]
So I think that is what we are about to do now. Thank you very much.
His Holiness Radhanath Swami: Thank you Niranjana Swami Maharaj. By your mercy, please give us the chance to be happy like you. (Haribol)
Radhanath Swami has given an eye opening description of what real happiness is. A common man pursues things of this world only to remain dissatisfied and unhappy all his life. I was really impressed by the way he has put this philosophy forward in an easy to understand way and also practical.
Agreed.. Great story to enunciate the mental condition of present the so called “brain masters or computer masters”. As we have various symptoms like fever, loose motion etc for the diseased body similarly we can see symptoms such as anxiety, unknown fear, anger, envy etc which suggest diseased mind. But unfortunately there are no medicine to cure anger, envy etc. Some medication claims to reduce anxiety but they donot remove the underlying cause but only help to sedate the person, so as he/ she can sleep and forgets the cause of anxiety. Its only patch work, no cure.
Only remedy for diseased mind is the therapy suggested by Radhanath swami -to be humble like blade of grass, tolerant like tree, offering respect to other and expecting non in return and in this mood always chant the Holy name of the Lord.
thank you sumit for sharing your wonderful views, recently i was hearing a lec by H H Radhanath Swami and he was mentioning how the biggest disease of 21st century is not AIDS or cancer but mental diseases like depression and anxiety and as you have said, there are no actual cures to such ailments. but this chanting of the Holy Name of Lord Krishna is such a effective and powerful medicine for all such problems and much more..
And the best part about Radhanath Swami’s lectures is he always focusses on how to develop the proper mood for chanting the Holy Names..
Thank you Radhanath Swami
Very interesting advice from a practicing doctor! Now it is all the more convincing.
we must learn how to chant the holy name in a proper state of consciousness
True, we must practice this.
too good !! Maharaj not only talks about real happineess but He is distributing it too !!!
The incidence with the rich businessman shared by HH Radhanath Swami is simply hilarious while also very instructive. Unfortunately this is the situation of most of people these days. People are working so hard and struggling so much to strike a balance to extract some juice from their various relationships. But they miss to understand the secret which is so expertly shared here by HH Radhanath Swami.
Actually it was Niranjan Maharaj who shared that story.
That rich man was obviously intelligent, otherwise he couldn’t have made so much of money through computer business. What struck me was the way he analysed himself. It just took him 2-3 minutes to understand why he had ended up revealing all his secrets to Maharaj. That’s super-sharp analytical ability!
If we try to preach to such people by some intelligent presentations etc., it won’t be effective. Because they are obviously more intelligent than us, and so hard to impress on the intellectual level.
Such people can be impressed only through purity.
In this story, just see how Maharaj preached to this influential man without speaking a word. That is why it is said, purity is the force.
These sincere followers of Prabhupada, like Niranjana Swami and Radhanath Swami, are the only hope. All we can do, and should do, is assist them in whatever way we can. Through that we will also become pure.
Thank you very much Gopinath Change prabhuji for explaining “Purity is the force” with example. It is the purity of these saints that we are still able to practice little bit devotional service and make progress in our spiritual life.
Radhanath Swamy maharaj, I am very much pleased to read your lecture on real happiness, I know because of your real happiness which is spontaneous in you as you are connected to the ocean of happiness i.e. krishna himself you are making everyone happy just by your association. The introvert business person started sharing his personal life with you seeing yourself happy. I wish maharaj please always be the lighthouse in our life with your nice lectures always.
Lokesh Prabhu, did you read that story that Niranjana Maharaj tells, about that man he met on the flight? It is awesome.
Any realizations on that?
Gopinath Chandra pr – I read that story and its amazing. It goes to show that no matter whatever material possessions one might have, one cannot be happy at all. The real happiness is in only serving the Lord selflessly. Its like mixing oil in water, it will never mix together. similarly we are spirit souls and no matter how much material things we accumulate they cannot bring true happiness.
Thanks to Niranjana Swami and Radhanath Swami for sharing such wonderful insights.
This was one of the first analogies I heard in the Hare Krishna movement. And it made so much sense. And it still makes sense like magic.
If you mix oil and water really well, superficially it will look like the two have mixed. But if you observe minutely, under a microscope, you will see them distinct.
Maya mixes spirit and matter really well, and by her influence most people in the world really believe that the two mix well.
Wonderful analogy sir. This is indeed often the case that I confuse the Maya to be something spiritual and vice versa. But this analogy can be remembered more often to assess that what is what.
Thanks for sharing it Gopinath Chandraji!
Gopinath Chandra pr, can you please share that story with us?
By the way, I am in accord with what you have mentioned Anand. Happiness is the property of mind and soul, so whatever material measures you apply to keep yourself happy is not going to work because material pursuits can not touch mind/soul.
Happy to see so many great views getting discussed in this forum. Please carry on, as they give lot of insight into these subject matters.
Radhanath Swami is very adept at telling the truths of life. Many of us are looking & trying different methods for happiness however what’s most important is generally left out. Radhanath Swami has revealed that secret to us.
Good point Gauravji! Saints like Radhanath Swami Maharaj are real sadhus who don’t hide anything because they are very simple. This simplicity of such great souls make them good friend of everyone in their surrounding. If we perform spiritual practices in his guidance, our life would be successful and eternal happiness would knock at our doors.
Wonderful lecture of how to gain real happiness in this age of Kali yuga.Kali yuga is an age of quarrel and hypocricy and the material world is “dukhalay” where there is only misery. The story of the millionaire by Niranjan Swami is a proof of this. But to our good fortune, Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu has been so merciful that he has given us the process of being blissful and happy just by chanting the Mahamantra. So we should take up this process and share it with others as well.
Wonderful realization mataji!
Radhanath Swami is a personification of brahma-bhutah prasannatma
na socati na kanksati (Bhagvad gita 18.54). He is always Bilssful , Happy and that is why the wealthy person in flight got attracted to him . Also Maharajah did not get disturbed after hearing about his critics. Radhanath Swami is real Krishna bhakta , Niskama (without any expectation )and so sadiava shantha.( always peaceful, Happy).
Actually, the wealthy person on the flight met Niranjan Maharaj, and not Radhanath Swami.
In any case, all sincere followers of Prabhupada radiate spiritual energy.
Thank you Prabhu,for your clarification. I missed that .Also appreciate your comment ” In any case, all sincere followers of Prabhupada radiate spiritual energy”.
Thank you Radhanath Swami for sharing the secret of how to achieve real happiness.
Radhanath Swami have explained in very lucid manner. I can call this as key of happiness. Radhanath Swami himself represents this lecture. He is making other happy too.
Great! Yes indeed it’s a key to happiness.
This is a very practical explanation of the miseries present in the subtle forms today by Radhanath swami wherein we are under illusion that we are making lot of advancement. But forgetting that we are missing the basic definition of happiness & satisfaction –
The threefold miseries are acute. Miseries caused by one’s own body and mind, distress, anxiety, disease. Even people under 20s and 30s are dying of heart attacks, cancer, AIDs, typhoid. So many diseases inflict pain and even death and in the 21st century the World health Organization explained the disease that will cause the most pain suffering and death is mental disease. Despite of our cellular phones and our computer technology and our satellite televisions people are in more anxiety and depression than ever before in history.
its really very interesting to know the facts that whatever each and every one is doing is for happiness, but unfortunately, its all is in opposite direction , whole world is moving in wrong direction and they are digging their own graveyard. Radhanath swami explains in detail.
Hmmm.. there are so many good people in the world, unfortunately they unknowingly are in wrong direction. Our duty is to educate them. More education about God Consciousness is there, more people will move in the right and virtuous direction.
Yes that’s very true Laxmikanthji. Today’s media and newspapers are filling the minds of people with so much dirt that it’s very difficult to preach them to take full advantage of Devotional services to bring real happiness in life. People are making film-starts as their role models by indulging into those activities which were considered nefarious earlier. This is a precarious situation for the whole world!
As per Bhagavad Gita, we are not the body but the soul. So, if we pamper the body with various material things, it’s not going to give you any happiness. However, if we provide food to our soul (which we actually are), then automatically we will be happy. Radhanath Swami always quotes that pleasure is what the whole world is running behind and pleasure of love is the topmost pleasure.
In the example quoted by HH Niranjan Swami Maharaj, it is so evident that just feeding one’s body is not good enough. It is far from being satisfying. But of course, it is not easy to understand it, and one can go on with this type of life for several lifetimes. Thanks to HH Niranjan Swami Maharaj and HH Radhanath Swami Maharaj for enlightening us on this topic. Without these great compassionate souls pointing it out, it is so difficult to wake up.
Amazing lecture that describes the secret of achieving real happiness. HH Radhanath Swami Maharaj so eloquently explains the mood in which to chant the Holy Names in order to relish that happiness!
Really amazing!
Everyone is chasing after happiness, but no one knows how to get it. It’s like someone going to Blacksmith’s shop to purchase Gold. Now this blacksmith might cheat you by giving you a Gold polished iron piece. Similarly, we must hear from spiritual about how to get real happiness. We are the souls, and unless we feed our souls, there is no possibility of achieving any happiness in this world.
So well said Sumit. By experience also we can see that there is no lasting happyness in this material world. Any practical tips? what can we do to always remember this fact about this world?
The significance of the Rath yatra event that takes place annually in Puri, Orissa is nicely described herein by Radhanath Swami. And it is also very true how because of A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada , it has spretad all over the world. We must be grateful to him –
“And our beloved spiritual master A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada by his inconceivable compassion he inaugurated Rath-yatra parades in practically every major city of the world. Why? Why in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, London, Paris, Nairobi, Bombay, Nigdi, Melbourne. Why all these places Rath-yatra is celebrated? Because Prabhupada in the mood of Lord Caitanya’s mercy understood that this is a festival of Supreme mercy.”
Radhanath swami has nicely described the situation when A.C. Bhaktivedanta swami Prabhupada went to west. And we can see that today also Indians are leaving aside their own culture and taking up the culture of materialism. Only by taking shelter of such saints we can come out of our miserable situation and become rightly situated –
God has ordained the people of India to lead the entire world spiritually. Neglecting the most precious diamond of the conclusions of the Vedas to search after a culture based on materialism and sinful activities. Prabhupada saw that India was morally ethically and spiritually becoming degraded so what is the hope for the world. He went to the West. One 70 year old Indian man who simply presented the Bhagavad Gita As it is and presented its conclusion to always remember Krishna and to never forget Krishna.
Great points Umesh. Because of pure devotees like Srila Prabhupad, the whole world is becoming aware about the presence of the Supreme who are untiringly spreading His glories of the Lord all over.
Mind blowing for me “The current of the river of material existence is always flowing toward the ocean of death” how true it is , is it not ?? it really really a fact which every one just pushes aside from their eyes just like this statement is a disturbance for their goal of life. But its really worth to think about this very seriously. I really touched by this sentence of Radhanath swami .
ya its really true as explained by Radhanath swami, I total agree with him. I also want to say that secret of happiness in this world is ” stop looking for happiness” which is impossible because you can never have happiness in this world, thats why this world is made for , if it was made for happiness why would krishna say in Gita Dhukhalayam asaswatam ?
Such an important question you have asked Laxmikanth. I guess dukhalayam means a place of miseries and it’s really surprising to see how everyone is trying so very hard to attain happiness in this world even after the topmost authority of the creation has declared it to be a place of miseries.
That is why it is so important to often hear from the enlightened souls like HH Radhanath Swami to keep our focus clear on the real happiness and not the temporary happiness of this world.
Radhanath Swamiji has very nicely explained that the only real happiness we can get in this material world is in immersing ourselves in devotional service to God.
Srila Prabhupada brought real happiness into the lives of so many hippies in the western world by introducing them to Krishna Consciousness. The purity of the process was so fulfilling & deeply satisfying to them that they willingly gave up drugs, alcohol etc. & sincerely followed the 4 regulative principles out of love for God.