Lust, envy, anger and pride and so many anxieties. And Bhakti is really transforming, cleaning the garbage of our heart. First you have to clean it “ceto-darpana marjanam” by chanting the holy names. We clean the garbage of our hearts by hearing Srimad Bhagvatam, Bhagvat Gita. And by following moral and ethical life, we don’t put any more garbage in our hearts. So when the garbage is cleaned from our hearts, gradually we realize that our heart is Vrindavan. Krishna is situated in every heart. Through the cultivation of Goudia Bhakti the heart is transformed from a garbage dump to the forest of Vrindavan, where Krishna performs His eternal Lila within us. The spirit and the purpose of our life is to transform the garbage dump of our heart into a Vrindavan Dham. So what we have done here is a symbolic expression of our ultimate purpose in life and how we hope to achieve that purpose. So it is not just the nice atmosphere of this garden, but what it represents makes it so special to us. I am very grateful that you all came.
As Shruti Dharam Prabhu explained, we are twin temples. Now in a family, twins are very intimate family members. Of course in material family usually twins are always fighting. But so far Bhakti Vedanta Manor and Radha Gokulanand, Radha Gopinath Temple never had any fight. It is a spiritual twin family. And it is our greatest honor and pleasure to share whatever we have with all of you. And you have always been so generous to share whatever you have, with us. That really is what bhakti is about – loving exchanges without ulterior motives to help each other, to elevate in bhakti and to help each other in our missions. And this example of loving exchange is invigorating, enthusing and purifying for everyone who is involved and even anyone who witnesses it. So it really is something very sacred. …………. Prabhu, Sruti Dharam Prabhu and so many of my old friends here, I am so grateful to all of you for all the amazing, exemplary service that you are rendering in Bhakti Vedanta Manor. And Bhakti Vedanta Manor is really, through its examples and through its efforts, doing so much for the whole of Prabhupada’s movement and beyond that for the whole of humanity. So please know whatever services you are doing for the Bhakti Vedanta Manor is a great service to the whole International Society and the whole humankind. And many of you have taken very serious responsibility and accepted great challenges and often even inconveniences for that service, but please know that is your greatest fortune that you have that opportunity, and that is your glory, your greatness that you have accepted it. And please know that Radha-Gokulanand are certainly showering the flowers of their blessings upon you. And if you want Radha-Gopinath’s flowers of mercy to shower upon you, please come for our Pushya Abhiseka ceremony on Jan. 31st, where there will be two tons of flower petals offered to the Deities and then the mahaprasad will be showered on the devotees. It is one of the most popular festivals of the year. People come from all over the world for it actually. So my humble request to you to take one day of your South Indian tour and come back here on Jan. 31, and everyone will be very happy. We are very honored and grateful for the chance to host you. If there wasn’t many thousands of people, we would have done much better service for you. Thank you for tolerating us and for being so gracious.
Hare Krishna.
Very nice lecture.